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          Based on our wide industry knowledge and context of each project’s specificity, we advise on the best timing to send a Show On Show Media Announcement and/or for booking an Advertising Banner on the On Show Calendar.

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          We provide additional services such as sending press images and/or transmitting specific media requests.

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          Additional presence
          We list our client’s upcoming events on a regular basis on the On Show Calendar, offering free additional international visibility.

        • “SHOW ON SHOW is a valuable tool (free of charge) for consultation, programming and verification of major international events.

          Every day, SHOW ON SHOW offers many ideas: exhibitions, auctions, fairs, design, etc.

          And even if you can’t write about everything, you can keep yourself informed from a 360° angle. It’s not so easy to find such a good source of information.”

          Corriere della Sera 7. Milano.

          “Every week the SHOW ON SHOW CALENDAR is one of the most useful PR communications I receive—and I get hundreds from around the world.

          SHOW ON SHOW is concise, professional, accurate and relevant, and I have several times designed trips based on the exhibit information.

          I wish everything in my email inbox were as perfect as Show on Show.”

          Published in Alaska Airlines Beyond magazine, Westways, Michelin Travel Publications, MSN.com, Western Journey and Texas Journey. Author of Michelin Must-See Alaska, Michelin British Columbia, Michelin Must-See Vancouver. Co-author of Michelin USA West, Michelin Hawai’i, Michelin Yellowstone Park and Michelin Germany.

          ”When I first took over the arts listings for the International Property & Travel Magazine I could not have managed without the help provided by SHOW ON SHOW.

          It enabled me to reach a good international audience and cut through all the
          red tape that sometimes we encounter from museums. Now two years on I still count Show on Show as one
          of my prime sources for excellent press kits.

          The expanded calendar of event that they provide is also a wonderful synopsis of
          what’s going on in the fast expanding world of the arts.”

          Freelance Journalist, Editor and judge for International Property & Travel Magazine, Blog at www.orchardtimes.com

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Clients & References

Aargauer Kunsthaus (Aarau, Switzerland)
Albertina (Vienna, Austria)
Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck (Remagen, Germany)
Art Gallery of South Australia (Adelaide, Australia)
Artangel (London, UK)
Art Karlsruhe (Karlsruhe, Germany)
Art Plural (Singapore)
Art Salon Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland)
Art Taipei (Taipei, Taiwan)
Astrup Fearnley Museet (Oslo, Norway)
BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art (Gateshead, UK)
Bank Austria Kunstforum (Vienna, Austria)
BC Gallery (Basel, Switzerland)
Borsa Italiana (Milan, Italy)
BOZAR (Brussels, Belgium)
BPS22 – Musée d’art de la Province de Hainaut (Charleroi, Belgium)
Bucerius Kunst Forum (Hamburg, Germany)
Bundeskunsthalle (Bonn, Germany)
Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur (Switzerland)
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon, Portugal)
Cartoonmuseum Basel (Switzerland)
Casino Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
Centre Pompidou-Metz (Metz, France)
Centre Pompidou-Paris (Paris, France)
CHRD (Lyon, France)
Christie’s (Paris, France)
CID – Centre d’innovation et de design au Grand Hornu (Grand Hornu, Belgium)
Collection de l’art brut Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Creative New Zealand (Wellington, New Zealand)
Daimler Art Collection (Berlin, Germany)
David Zwirner Books (New York, USA)
David Zwirner Paris (Paris, France)
Deichtorhallen Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany)
Design Museum (London, UK)
Driving the Human (Karlsruhe, Germany)
Diane de Selliers Éditeur (Paris, France)
Documenta Institut (Kassel, Germany)
EYE (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Fine Art Asia (Hong Kong,HK)
Fondation Beyeler (Riehen/Basel, Switzerland)
Fondation EDF (Paris, France)
Fondazione Cini (Venice, Italy)
Fondazione Prada (Milan & Venice, Italy)
Fondazione Querini Stampalia (Venice, Italy)
Fondazione Vedova (Venice, Italy)
Fotomuseum (Winterthur, Switzerland)
Frans Hals Museum (Haarlem, The Netherlands)
Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery (Washington, DC, USA)
Fridericianum (Kassel, Germany)
Fundació Joan Miró
(Barcelona, Spain)
Galerie Gugging (Gugging, Austria)
Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac (Paris, France)
Galleria Continua (Paris, France)
Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der Künste (Vienna, Austria)
Grimaldi Forum (Monaco)
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao (Bilbao, Spain)
HeK – House of Electronic Arts (Basel, Switzerland)
Imperial War Museums (London, UK)
Ink Asia (Hong Kong,HK)
Institut Giacometti (Paris, France)
Kimbell Art Museum (Fort Worth, USA)
Kunsten (Aalborg, Denmark)
Kunsthaus Pasquart Centre d’art (Biel/Bienne, Switzerland)
Kunsthaus Zürich (Zürich, Switzerland)
Kunst Museum Winterthur (Winterthur, Switzerland)
Kunstmuseum Basel (Basel, Switzerland)
Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein and Hilti Art Foundation (Vaduz, Liechtenstein)
Kunstmuseum Thun (Thun, Switzerland)
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg (Wolfsburg, Germany)
Kunstsammlung Nord-Rhein Westfalen (Düsseldorf, Germany)
Lehmbruck Museum (Duisburg, Germany)
Lenbachhaus (Munich, Germany)
Liste Art Fair (Basel, Switzerland)
Louvre Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
LUMA/Westbau (Zürich, Switzerland)
Lustwarande (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
M Leuven (Leuven, Belgium)
MAC’S – Musée des Arts Contemporains (Grand Hornu, Belgium)
Manchester Contemporary (Manchester,UK)
MAMC- Musée d’art moderne et contemporain (Saint-Étienne Métropole, France)
Martin-Gropius-Bau (Berlin, Germany)
Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst (Zürich, Switzerland)
MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst (Frankfurt Am Main, Germany)
Modern Art Oxford (Oxford, UK)
Mu.ZEE (Oostende, Belgium)
MUDAM, Musée Grand-Duc Jean (Luxembourg)
Musea Brugge (Brugge, Belgium)
Museen Aschaffenburg – Kunsthalle Jesuitenkirche (Aschaffenburg, Germany)
Musée Royal de Mariemont (Mariemont, Belgium)
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid, Spain)
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid, Spain)
Museum Boijmans van Beuningen (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Museum de Lakenhal (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Museum Gugging (Gugging, Austria)
Museum Kunstpalast (Düsseldorf, Germany)
Museum of Contemporary Art Australia (Sydney, Australia)
Museum of Modern Art (New York, USA)
Museum Ritter (Waldenbuch, Germany)
Museum Wiesbaden (Wiesbaden, Germany)
Museum Tinguely (Basel, Switzerland)
National Gallery of Victoria (Melbourne, Australia)
National Portrait Gallery (London, UK)
NMNM, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco (Monaco)
Paris Gallery Weekend (Paris, France)
Paris Musées (Paris, France)
Peggy Guggenheim Collection (Venice, Italy)
Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia, USA)
Phillips Collection (Washington, DC, USA)
Photo Basel (Basel, Switzerland)
Photo L.A. (Los Angeles, USA)
Pinacoteca Giovanni et Marella Agnelli (Turin, Italy)
QAGOMA (Brisbane, Australia)
Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum (Cologne, Germany)
Reykjavík Art Museum (Iceland)
RMN-Grand Palais (Paris, France)
Royal Academy of Arts (London, UK)
Royal Museums of Fine Arts (Brussels, Belgium)
Skira Italy
Skira Paris (Paris, France)
Smithsonian American Art Museum (Washington, USA)
Sotheby’s (Paris, France)
Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe (Karlsruhe, Germany)
Städel Museum (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Tate (London, UK)
Tarmak22 (Gstaadt, Switzerland)
The Hirschsprung Collection (Copenhagen, Denmark)
The National Gallery (London, UK)
The National Gallery of Art (Washington, DC, USA)
The Royal Academy (London, UK)
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (Vienna, Austria)
Trapholt (Kolding, Denmark)
Triennial of Photography (Hamburg, Germany)
Universalmuseum Joanneum (Graz, Austria)
Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Victoria and Albert Museum (London, UK)
VNH Gallery (Paris, France)
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art (Hartford, USA)
Wallraf-Richartz & Fondation Cobourg (Cologne, Germany)
Wellcome Collection (London, UK)
Whitechapel Gallery (London, UK)
Z33 (Hasselt, Belgium)
Zentrum Paul Klee (Bern, Switzerland)
ZKM (Karlsruhe, Germany)