Grace Schwindt (b. 1979, Germany) is a captivating figure in the contemporary art world. She weaves together various disciplines, including drawing, performance, film, sculpture and painting. Her artistic research delves into the complexities of human vulnerability and the influence of capitalism on our physical and mental being, as well as on our collective memory.
Schwindt examines how the interplay of bodies, language, and objects shapes the fabric of history and memory. Running throughout her entire oeuvre, like a common thread, are the concepts of ‘vulnerability’ and ‘care’.
For her solo exhibition at M, Grace Schwindt combines existing works, such as sculptures, drawings and paintings, with new creations, some of which are inspired by the historic artefacts in M’s collection. In 2023, Schwindt was a guest researcher at M’s depot, delving into the collection and inner workings of the institution. She was captivated by how the collection managers took care to preserve even the most deteriorated historical sculptures. The new works, including drawings, paintings and sculptures, partly derive inspiration from the sketches and photographs that she made in the depot.