Representative image of pirellihangarbicocca.org


Online today, Bubbles is Pirelli HangarBicocca’s new digital project aiming to expand the ways to approach contemporary art and share high-quality content.

As a free-flowing navigation experience, Bubbles transforms the Pirelli HangarBicocca website into a dynamic, constantly updated map of contents that revolve around art and artists. It gives visitors, students and researchers an opportunity to complement or prepare their visit on site and/or to stay up to date on key innovative issues around contemporary creativity.

Its direct and intuitive navigation system _ based on five bubbles: Watch, Read, Listen, Connect and Experience_ offers a whole range of different topics and themes in videos as well as extracts from articles and catalogues. It makes it easier to find the required information and to consult archive materials, giving access to in-depth studies and participation in digital events. As well as pulling up the information they are interested in, users can also choose to float from one “bubble” to another, accessing and exploring their content.