24 OCTOBER 2023–11 FEBRUARY 2024
Marine Hugonnier, Meadow Report, 2021
Film 35mm, color, sonido
Courtesy the artist
© Marine Hugonnier

Through her film-based works, Marine Hugonnier (b. 1969, Paris) explores the way in which the conventions of representation collude with ideologies, desires, and discourses. Her practice is an inquiry into the politics of vision, and seeks to uncover the underlying mechanisms of power.

Originally trained as an anthropologist, Hugonnier uses documentary and fiction strategies that intermingle with one another. Central to the exhibition is Meadow Report (2021), a depiction of the famed Giverny Gardens where the French impressionist Claude Monet created an artificial environment and painted his celebrated Water Lilies in the last decades of his life, while progressively losing his sight to cataracts. She installed her camera in the middle of the lake at dusk, searching an other-than-human vantage point, to observe the garden, the edges of water-lily leaves, and Monet’s iconic green bridge. At a decisive point, the lens of the camera is intentionally removed to place the analogue film directly in contact with the environment.